
09 August 2018

7:28 PM

Clarifying Your Teaching With Clear Communication

Clarifying Your Teaching With Clear Communication
contributed by Molly Bruzewski, Ed.S.
Ed note: This is part 2 on strategies that promote a team approach to academic achievement and high-performance teaching. Part 1 was Every Classroom Is A Team And Every Teacher Is A Coach. Strategies 2 and 3 appear below.

In the same way that students appreciate teachers who articulate their expectations and model them consistently, our staff appreciates it from us.
The availability of data reports around student achievement is providing us with opportunities for success like never before. True, these reports often have us zero-in on deficiencies in student learning, but as the Head Coach, you take that data and rally your team. You ask, “Is there one specific thing we can do to raise student achievement across the curriculum; across our teams regardless of our classroom philosophies?”
If the ultimate goal for every student in your building – whether in elementary, middle or high school – is to become a contributing citizen and be fully employable, begin with this end in mind. Your data are showing that students have communication deficiencies. Rally your teams and begin to dig in.
As you scan the literature and websites for essential skills for employees, among the top skills is the ability to speak and write effectively. Research demonstrates that written language proficiency follows oral competencies. Would it benefit you to zero-in on developing a plan around speaking in complete sentences? To begin, get your Playbook out, identify some strategies that anyone could use in their classroom, and begin to model what that might look like.
Staff meetings are a great place to set the stage to launch this practice. If you choose to embark on this mission, is it possible to stir up controversy if you expect staff and students to speak in complete sentences?
Use clear, complete sentences.
Children develop the ability to communicate in complete sentences between the ages of two and three. Developmentally they are ready. But in today’s hectic home life, and in our ever-increasing “texting” generation, many of our students are working from a deficit when it comes to their ability or their tendency to communicate verbally and construct complete sentences.
In her BLOG, The B.E.S.T. Literacy Connection, Sarah Whitt cites research done by Dr. Kathy Cooter of Bellarmine University around the “mean length of utterance (MLU).” The mean length of utterance by students is tied to their aptitude and ability to write and express themselves. In many schools, teachers are the “main violators,” as they use approximately five words per sentence, and often without the inclusion of challenging or academic vocabulary.
Therefore, find websites that provide strategies for modeling speaking in complete sentences. And, when addressing someone who asks why we would “practice” speaking in complete sentences, you may reply, “That is a great question, Teacher A. This isn’t a practice we have focused on. You’re right about that. I have been guilty of not being intentional about speaking in complete sentences, as well. However, we need to model our expectations and speak in complete sentences because our students are the ultimate beneficiaries. Thank you for asking!”
This second practice is an intentional one. We often do not pay attention to our communication with students, nor with one another. But, it comes back to our first practice, if we want to see this done well, and if we want to raise the academic caliber of our students, Educators Model.
Use individual and whole class instruction differently and intentionally
Instruction at any level is tricky.
Whether an administrator or teacher, our audience is in a constant state of flux. We are constantly competing for their attention. Advertisers employ a variety of rules for getting your attention – the rule of 151 or the rule of seven, for example – indicates the number of times people must hear a message before they understand or act.
This means that the first time you “deliver” information to your audience, it doesn’t mean they have heard it. Therefore, pull out your Playbook, invite members from Team 1 and 2 that you have witnessed getting students to process information well, and invite them to plan with you.
To start, you may choose to model 21st-Century learning. In Education Week’s BLOG, 5 Reasons You Should Flip Your Leadership, author Peter DeWitt recommends that building leaders begin to flip their meetings by covering the announcements and less critical information through a simple podcast or webcast.
You may also add a hook to your message by introducing “what is to come” at the next staff meeting and provide a preview. Set the stage and provide literature to support where you want to take your team. Next, if you know that the information you have to discuss at your next meeting will take about 40-45 minutes, and you have one hour for the whole meeting, plan your strategies carefully. Get your facilitators to help you with the processing activities to be used throughout the meeting.
When you get your group face to face, with your selected facilitators, model “teaching to the whole group.” What is your message? What do you need to share? Balance your message with processing time, allowing the group to turn and talk, or ask questions, to clarify. Vary the processing activities for the purpose of seeing them implemented in classrooms.
Provide teachers with the resources and guidelines on how to use them. As you teach to the whole group, remember the first practice – Educators Model. Use strategies you would like to see your staff engage in as they teach. Make the strategies universal and easily adaptable to any learning environment. Teachers love strategies – especially ones they can use in their classroom the very next day.
Remember, student achievement is a Team Sport. It takes all teams collaborating around common goals to ensure their success.
Modeling – Playbook Practice 1; Speaking in Complete Sentences – Playbook Practice 2; Obama’s Use of Complete Sentences Stirs Controversy, November, 21, 2008, The BLOG, Huffington Post; The B.E.S.T. Literacy Connection, The Power of Speaking in Complete Sentences, Sarah Whitt, Feb. 13, 2012; Whole Group Instruction – Playbook Practice 3; Education Week BLOG, Finding Common Ground, 5 Reasons You Should Flip Your Leadership, Peter DeWitt, July 6, 2014; image attribution flickr user vancouverfilmschool; Clarifying Expectations With Clear Communication
Molly Bruzewski, Ed.S. is an education consultant in Michigan. Her expertise is in curriculum mapping and assessment, classroom instructional strategies, online teaching and learning, and she serves as a Great Expectations (GE) methodology instructor. Bruzewski is passionate about teaching excellence and believes GE provides a comprehensive approach to student success in all classrooms.
7:15 PM

52 Education Blogs You Should Follow

If you are a teacher, student, parent, or administrator, you should be following education blogs. Why? Simply because blogs are an ever-increasing way to spark ideas, creativity, and innovation. The following list is a compilation of blogs for those interested in education.

Written by parents, administrators, businessmen, teachers, and administrators, these blogs stand out with their unique style and excellent content.
Take a look at the 51 options below. And if you count the blog you’re on, that makes 52.

Traditional Elementary Education

Cathy Nelson’s blog is for educators and library media specialists who are interested in technology integration in the classroom. She offers help, resources, and ideas from her own personal experience. She won the EduBlog award in 2007 and 2008.
Cool Cat is a local teacher, author, and non-profit initiator, dedicated to inspiring fellow teachers with innovative and fresh ideas for reaching students in the classroom. Be sure to check out The Captivating Teacher Manifesto.
principals page
A blog centered on school administration issues. In addition to personal anecdotes, tips, and education philosophy, he writes various articles for other websites that you can find on his site. Examples of his work include The Connection Between Teachers and Smartphones, and how Social Media Connects Educators.
A blog dedicated to educators who want a one-stop shop for all the best education blogs and resources on the Web. They arrange posts by categories, so teachers looking for ideas in a certain subject can find content quickly and easily.
Brian Crosby is the author of this blog and a teacher who specializes in “at risk” students. He shares his ideas for learning in a personal style and encourages other teachers to understand that sometimes learning isn’t linear.
This blog is run by two teachers (who happen to also be neighbors), and gives instructional tips for teaching lessons that meet the Common Core standards.
The Organized Classroom is a blog primarily for teachers who need help making their classroom functional and efficient. The website offers free resources, tips, and ideas from local teachers.
polka dotted teacher
A fun and whimsical education site for teachers who need to add some color and creativity into their classroom. Her site is in the style of Dr. Seuss.
This blog is part of a larger website that is dedicated to helping gifted youth. It focuses on news, information, and other resources for parents and teachers of talented children.

Traditional College

The Omniac blog is for high school students who are planning to go to college. The site gives tips for taking college entrance exams, as well as ideas for maximizing the success rate of college applications.
A computer scientist and published author writes this blog about what makes students successful. He chronicles some of his controversial thoughts on why pursuing your passion is a bad idea and gives tips and hints found in his numerous books.
This blog is mainly for parents who might need some extra help in getting their child off to school. Expect to find advice on how to help your child succeed in college, tips about transitioning to a dorm room, as well as financial aid and application resources.
A blog dedicated to helping educators with their productivity, technology integration, as well as teaching. The latest post is an interesting entry about professionalism on social media, an increasing problem that has only been introduced since the explosion of sites like Facebook and Twitter.
The Thesis Whisperer is a collaboration of writers and students who talk about the process of writing a dissertation. Everything from planning your writing process, tips, presentation ideas, and dealing with your supervisor, is covered in this group-authored blog.
A blog written by both students and educators! Topics include admissions to college, high school tips for maximizing college potential, and how to score well on college entrance exams. It even gives practical advice about how to survive on a student budget and what to do after graduation.
The Inside Higher Ed blog is a large site written by numerous authors. It covers everything from technology, to education philosophy, strategies for admissions, and career advice.
17. NextStepU
This blog is associated with the NextStepU magazine. It offers advice about various colleges and degrees, and offers giveaways from time to time. It also has tools like scholarship search and college match.
18. Chegg
This blog is attached to the Chegg website; a student services site for planning and study help. The blog gives advice about finding inexpensive textbooks, study habits, and scholarships. Be sure to check out the post, What Does Your Major Say About You?
The author of this blog is Bev Taylor, a well-known counselor who is frequently seen on media sites, giving tips about getting into Ivy League schools. Her blog centers on helping students gain entrance into the school of their dream. She also offers herself for hire!
20. Stratedgy
The Stratedgy blog is meant for educators who want to discuss ways to compete in an ever-expanding world of education options.

E-Learning and Edtech

Tic Tac interactive is Scandinavia’s “leader in digital education” – and their blog features some pretty interesting conversations about education.
daily riff
From their “About Us” page: As provocateur, muse, catalyst and game changer, The Daily Riff will “sniff and sift” through our edu-culture, “curating” news and opinion in quick, digest-sized take-aways for you to use and share. I think that says it all.
This site is full of solid information regarding open courseware, technology, education philosophy, and networking. There are slide presentations to go with some of the posts as well.
Wesley Fryer is a keynote speaker and author who owns this blog. He explores topics like digital storytelling, creativity and technology integration in education. Many of his presentations, handouts, and other materials are available to read and download.
Beth Knittle is a technology integration specialist for a K-12 district and blogs about her learning experiences. She has presented at several major education conferences like MassCUE and EduCon. She has an attached Wiki and a scrupulously organized archive page.
A lecturer in Scotland at the University of Strathclyde authors this blog. Check out his blog post on creating memorable passwords for middle school students, or his review of text online adventure games. He writes in short post form, making it an easy blog to read when you are short on time.
This blog is a practical guide to technology integration. There are posts about using the iPad in the classroom, how to make an inexpensive green screen, as well as starting up an online book club. The owner and author is Ben Rimes, a K-12 technology specialist in Michigan.
Will Richardson is a published author, TED talk presenter, and parent who blogs about technology and its educational potential. His book about web tools for the classroom has sold over 80,000 copies.
the thinking stick
This blog covers all things technology and education. The author is Jeff Utecht, an educator, consultant, and author. Some of his top tweeted posts are 10 Reasons to Trash Word and Use Google Docs, Gmail Tips for Teachers, and Lecture as Content Delivery is Dead.
rapid elearning blog
This is a blog all about e-learning. It tackles topics such as how to design e-courses, web applications for e-learning, PowerPoint, graphic design, and interactive e-learning.
Harold Jarche’s blog is called Life in Perpetual Beta. His topics center on practical tips for leadership, social networking in business, and collaboration. He tackles ideologies of learning and knowledge from a philosophical perspective, adding technological aspects to his writing.
The Online Learning Update is a blog about online education news and research. The editor is Ray Schroeder, a University of Illinois professor, and he gathers headlines about university open courseware.
Stop at the E-Learning Queen blog and meet the Queen’s assistant, Susan Smith Nash. She humorously names her reader the “queen” of e-learning, since you are reading her site. She focuses on distance learning, e-course design, and social/psychological issues surrounding the online education process.
Funny Monkey blog is highlights all the news and information related to Funny Monkey, a business dedicated to making educational materials free. In addition to news, the blog also covers major educational issues, technology, and classroom solutions.
Cammy Bean’s Learning Visions blog is about e-learning design. She hosts webinars about the best ways to effectively design e-courses, tools to use, and how to get started.
A blog written by Dr. Scott Mcleod that focuses on the problem between exploding technology and the educational system that cannot keep up. Rather than integrating technology into a classroom that is outdated and behind, he offers solutions to these incongruities.
This blog focuses on strategies and technology solutions for education that are “way out of the box”. Lisa Nielson is the owner and author, having appeared in many well-known publications such as The New York Times and Huffington Post.

Education Policies

This Best of Education Blog, hosted by the National Education Policy Center, pulls recent posts from various education bloggers. It covers all education issues including teacher unions, curriculum, technology, policy, and even teacher evaluations.
39. Eduwonk
Sponsored by Bethwether Education Partners, this blog is about education policy and politics. The primary author, Andrew J. Rotherham, served as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton, and currently writes the weekly School of Thought column for Time magazine.
This blog primarily focuses on urban poverty as it relates to educational policy. The author Corey Bower became frustrated with the education system after trying to teach in an inner city New York school for two years. Now, he is a professor of leadership at Niagara University. Expect to read posts about frustrating classroom conditions, the differences in high and low performing schools, and why everyone should have a liberal arts education.
41. Edwize
Edwize is a blog for education news and opinion. It focuses on New York schools, teachers, and issues. Be sure to check out the section called New Teacher Diaries- real life stories from New York’s new public school teachers.
This blog’s tagline is, “Debating the future of American education.” Expect to read posts about politics, testing problems, and other issues plaguing the current educational system.
43. Edspresso
Edspresso’s clever name highlights the focus of this blog- a daily morning shot of the latest education news and reform. It covers headlines and politics as it relates to education and is updated frequently.
Scott Taylor is an assistant superintendent and professor at the University level. His blog is listed on Edudemic’s website as one of the top education blogs that you should follow. His casual conversational style is easy to read and still packs a powerful and profound punch.
Joanne jacobs
Joanne Jacobs, writer and educator, writes a blog about education in general. A diverse range of topics are covered.
A blog focusing on education and politics. Current posts center around the campaign trail leading up to the US election in November, and how it relates to education policy.
Stories from School was labeled as one of the best educational blogs of 2010. It focuses on real life examples and stories of teachers and how they are impacted by the latest educational policy changes.

Learning Techniques

This blog focuses on ways to improve your ability to memorize. Dr. Bill Klemm is a neuroscientist, education consultant, and professor who chronicles some of his research on this personal blog.
Cerebral Hacks is a blog about the brain and how it functions. It has a section dedicated to learning and education that educators should check out.
50. 2¢ Worth
2cents worth
David Warlick cleverly writes his “2 cents” worth of education strategy, measuring success, and how to learn. He admits that often his posts spark more questions than answers.
Update: No. 51: Thanks to Jerrilyn who asked, where is It’s not a website we’ve visited, but we’ll definitely come back!
This is a cross-post from; Image attribution flickr user viralbus

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