
19 May 2019

2:29 PM

Affiliate marketing and making money online

I have not written about online business, affiliate marketing and making money online. As I know that these are topics that interest you, I have prepared some surprises that I will reveal to you in the coming weeks and that I think will be very useful if you are starting in this world.

Affiliate marketing and making money onlineToday's article is for readers who already have a niche page working, and especially for those who work with Amazon's affiliate program. If that is your case and the only posts that you write are analyzes of individual and comparative products, I have to inform you that you are losing money. It's that simple

There are other articles much easier to write and with a higher percentage of conversion, but that most people do not know. When I added them to my ebooks page, my profits multiplied, and I am convinced that the same will happen to you. Then I tell you what they are.

1. The most sold

The first indispensable article, and also the simplest one, is a list of the best selling products of this year, month or season. For example, if we had a page of coffee makers, we could write publications like "The 10 best-selling coffee makers of 2019" or "The 5 coffee machines that will sell more this Christmas".

Many times, what people want is to buy the most popular product and avoid complications, since they assume that if it is the best product sold it will be for something, and that is exactly the information that these items provide.

The structure of them is very simple:
  • Large photo of the best-selling product
  • Brief explanation of why it is the most sold
  • Complete list of the 5 or 10 most sold
Both the photo and the name of each of the products will be affiliate links, of course. This way you can include 12 different links in less than 500 words. Wohooo! 😀

Regarding the information on which products are best sold within each category, you only have to visit the best-selling products on Amazon and check the corresponding category. It can not be easier to know which are the best selling digital products (and non-digital ones).

2. The best with / of / a

Logically, when you go to the store to buy a product you want to take home the best of all. However, "the best" is too generic, so you have to filter by a specific feature based on your needs. In the case of a coffee machine, you are not interested in buying "the best coffee maker" but "the best coffee maker" or "the best coffee machine with two cups of coffee."

With this in mind, it is very easy to write articles that answer this type of questions from buyers. Here are some examples:
  • The best Italian coffee maker
  • The best steam coffee maker
  • The best coffee machine with filter
  • The best battery-powered coffee maker
  • The best coffee machine for less than 100 euros
The structure that you can use is the following:
  • Explanation of what is necessary to take into account when choosing a product with that characteristic
  • Two options and a brief description of each one
  • Verdict: which of the two options is better and why, along with a photo of the winning model
It is very important that in the article you mention two options and explain what is the best and why. If you do not do it, it will appear that you are a sold and that you have chosen the one you like the most or the one that pays the most.

If you need to find ideas for this type of article, Google is your best ally. Activate the autocomplete and write "" followed by the prepositions "with", "from" or "a". Google will do the rest   

The only problem with this solution is that it only shows you 4 ideas per preposition, so I recommend you use the free version of Keyword Researcher for a complete list.

Affiliate marketing and making money online

Example: The best ebook reader with touch screen

3. The best for

The last type of article for niche pages follows the same reasoning as the previous one, but responds to the desire of buyers to find the best model to cover a need or for a specific demographic group.

Some examples:
  • The best coffee maker for bar
  • The best coffee maker for cappuccino
  • The best coffee maker for children
(In the case of coffee makers the demographic does not make much sense, but I think the idea is understood)

Both the structure of these articles and the way to find ideas for them work exactly the same as the previous point.

Example: The best ebook to give away

If you are going to start a new online project and you are looking for a hosting provider, I recommend you use Webempresa, the company where I have all my websites hosted. They have very cheap prices and work great. Also, using the VIVIRALMAXIMO coupon you will get a 20% discount on the total price and you will have me take a small commission to take a Estrella Galicia to your health now that I am going to go up to Galicia Muchas Thank you!

And to you, what articles work best for you on your affiliate page?

Is there a topic of online business or affiliate marketing that you would like me to deal with in my next posts? Tell me what it is about in a comment.

Upcoming destinations in the Live to the Maximum Tour 2013: Lugo (today Thursday), A Coruña (Friday), Asturias (Saturday and Sunday). If you want us to see each other, write to me!

25 April 2019

3:46 AM

How to lose weight in a week at home

How to lose weight fast 5 kilos in a week

There are only a few months left until summer and the first days of beach and sun begin to arrive.
It is the moment where many people realize that they have to lose a few kilos of weight to look good this summer.

A usual goal is to lose 5 kilos in a week, an ambitious goal without a doubt.

I like to be clear, it is not possible to lose 5 kilos per week, I recommend losing weight around half a kilo per week to be a healthy weight loss, but it is possible to lose 5 kilos in the first week we started with our plan of weight loss.

Obviously we will not lose 5 kilos of weight only of fat, hopefully, they will be 5 kilos of weight lost in which there will be water and fat.

This water loss will also be positive, since our typical high carbohydrate diet tends to favor water retention, so if we eliminate excess water and lose fat we will achieve our goal of losing 5 kilos in a week.

But how to get this?

That's what we'll talk about in this article, I promise that the 7 steps we're going to see will make you achieve your goal.



In the last 50 years we have been bloated with carbohydrates.
      First, because we were led to believe that low-fat diets were good, unfairly criminalized different types of fats (cholesterol, saturated fats), and also foods that contained these fats, is the case of eggs, a food that has been suspect for decades and yet today we know that it is one of the healthiest foods we can eat.
          On the other hand we were sold that a diet high in carbohydrates was what we need, since it would give us a lot of energy, that has made us addicted from small to foods such as bread, pasta, rice, fruit juices , the »healthy» cookies, etc.
              Science has already shown that when we go back to the food we had for millions of years, before it will lead to aggressive capitalism and the industrialization of food, it is when we begin to lose weight in a healthy way while improving our health. ( one )
                  But what food is that? It is a diet low in carbohydrates, but with very healthy and nutritious carbohydrates, and at the same time a diet rich in good fats, because our body, our vital organs, our brain, really what they want, what they crave, are good fats , those that for decades have made us believe that they were bad, among them, for example, is cholesterol. ( 2. 3 )
                    Do you want a step-by-step guide to reduce carbohydrates and increase good fats without fear? Do not miss The Low Carb Method, a 21 Day plan with Menu and Recipes.

                          2. BET ON REAL FOOD

                    If you go to a supermarket you can see that much of the food you will find is not real food.

                    And less those in the central corridors.

                    The food industry has created "food" in boxes and packaging that also says they are "healthy", you know it because it is put in the packaging.

                    Let's be clear, the food industry does not care about our health.

                    They only worry about making money, the more the better.

                    For this they create products with artificial ingredients that allow them to earn a lot of money, products of all kinds, yogurts, cookies, juices, breads, meals, etc.

                    But in addition to allowing these products to earn a lot of money they also allow them to get something else.

                    To become addicted to these foods, as if we were drug addicts, with this they get us to buy more and more to satisfy our addiction.

                    Realizing this, and with all the strength that is in us, we must be able to say goodbye to all this crap.

                    From now on we will bet on real, whole foods, without artificial ingredients, natural foods.

                    Because these foods provide quality nutrients, which make us feel more sated while more healthy, which reduce calories in a simple way, which will help us in our goal of losing weight fast in a week.

                    Even if we are food can be a little more expensive, it does not have to be that way, but it can happen, this type of food will be cheaper, because we will not need to be eating at all times, we will be free and we will see each other and we will feel all right.

                    Do not miss my YouTube Course on the Ketogenic Diet:

                           3. REDUCE CALORIES WITHOUT HUNGER

                    As we have seen, the type of food offered by the majority of the food industry means that we eat more calories than we should.

                    We are anxious and hungry and that keeps us eating and accumulating more calories.

                    That anxiety, that hunger, is provoked because we are not eating what we owe.

                    But if we go back to the origin, to what our body really needs, we will reduce calories in a simple way, let's see how to do it:

                    • Fill yourself with vegetables: All your meals of the day should carry vegetables, half of the plate is good. These vegetables are going to fill you with nutrients that you probably need right now, so your health will improve in an important way. But besides that, those vegetables will increase your satiety, they will get it because they are rich in fiber and water, that will make you feel full after meals for hours, something very positive to lose weight 5 kilos in one week.

                    • Take proteins: Increase protein intake and do it with quality foods will also help us in our goal, studies show that when we increase protein intake to 25 - 30% of the calories of the day we get to lose weight in a healthy way , this is because the proteins are very satiating. You will find them in foods such as eggs, fish, meat and nuts.
                    • Eliminate condiments: If we make a healthy meal but we fill it with condiments and sauces rich in sugar and artificial ingredients we are left with a food that is not healthy, so eliminate the seasoning of your meals.
                    • Do not drink calories: One of the causes of the increase in obesity is that in recent decades we have drunk many high-calorie beverages, drinks that also spoil our metabolism and negatively impact our hormones, as is the case, for example, with juices. fruits. It is important to eliminate these types of drinks from our life and bet on healthy drinks, such as water, coffee and tea.

                          4. MOBILIZE THE ENERGY THAT IS IN YOU

                    That precious body you have is full of energy, yes it is, although perhaps right now you do not feel very energized and that is affecting your quality of life.

                    If you mobilize that energy that is in you everything will change in a spectacular way, your body, your health, your mind, your mood, you can not give up all those benefits, all that well-being, it's there for you to enjoy, to do it It will allow you to live the life you deserve and in the process to achieve your goals.

                    How will we do this? Well, when it comes to exercise I recommend the following:

                    • Walk much more than we are walking, so I will propose the Challenge of Walking 10,000 a day forever
                    • Running is also excellent, but in a healthy way, that's why I propose that you run around 20 - 30 minutes 3 to 4 days a week.
                    • The perfect combination is to combine these cardio exercises with strength training, which will help us to develop muscle mass. This muscle mass is perfect to improve our health, to increase our metabolism, to improve our body composition, less fat more muscle, and to make us feel better. You can do these exercises in a gym or at home, there are no excuses, a routine of 30 minutes 3 days a week is enough.
                    • Another type of exercise to lose weight and burn excellent fat is the training of high intensity intervals, also known as HIIT, this type of exercise combines bursts of exercise at high intensity with periods of time at low intensity, this type of exercise burns a lot of fat according to the studies.

                    5. KEEP THE REST OF THE DAY ACTIVE

                    Do the exercise we have seen in the previous point and get home or work and spend the day sitting away from your goals.

                    It is important that when we are not doing sports, we remain active, whether at home or at work.

                    This movement during the day can help us burn even more calories than doing sports.

                    For example, it has been possible to verify that between a job and a manual job there can be a difference of about 1,000 calories burned per day, in favor of, of course, manual labor. This is equivalent to 90 to 120 minutes of high intensity exercise.

                    So you know, give it to the activity you can for your day, climb stairs, go for a walk every 1 - 2 hours, get up more, clean something from home, etc.

                    6. PRACTICE FASTING

                    Throughout our evolution as human beings we were forced to practice fasting because of the scarcity of food. Today we do not usually suffer from this shortage, so it is more difficult for us to practice fasting, even though you have practiced it without knowing it, maybe one day you did not have breakfast, one day you skipped a meal, etc., in that You were fasting without knowing it. Well, studies have shown that fasting gives us incredible benefits, including weight loss and burning fat, so I would recommend that you try fasting, many people who follow me have done it and I can assure you that They have done very well. Practicing fasting is very simple, as much as for example you eat every day at 8:00 pm and have breakfast the next day at 08:00, with that you will have attained a 12-hour fast, which will allow you to get the many benefits of this powerful tool.

                    7. FOLLOW THESE TIPS TO REDUCE WATER

                    As I said at the beginning of the article to achieve our goal of losing weight 5 kilos in a week we will need to eliminate water weight, to get it I recommend the following:

                    • As I said at the beginning of the article to achieve our goal of losing weight 5 kilos in a week we will need to eliminate water weight, to get it I recommend the following:
                    • Drink coffee: Coffee is a beverage that gives us caffeine, studies indicate that caffeine helps burn fat and also eliminate water retention.
                    • Beware of intolerance's: Certain intolerance's can make us feel bloated or that we accumulate fluids, so it is important to have controlled these intolerance's and take action in this regard if we suspect that we can be intolerant to something. The most common intolerance's are gluten and lactose. I always recommend eliminating gluten from the diet, I consider it one of the poisons of our time, it causes problems of all kinds in the health of people, so at least try how you do without taking gluten for a few weeks.

                    Follow these tips and you will get fast lose those 5 kilos that you have proposed, once you have achieved keep the good habits in your life to not recover that lost.
                    You have everything to get everything you propose, you are love, light, intelligence, energy, so get down to work and see how after a few days you will see the results in your body and in your health. It's worth it because you only have one body, and that body is going to be your home for the rest of your life. Take care of it, love it, love yourself very much, respect yourself, and seek the best version of yourself, without judging yourself, without comparing yourself with anyone, always from deep love to yourself. Take care of yourself and any doubt you know, leave me a comment below.

                    26 March 2019

                    1:45 PM

                    How to lose weight in 10 days at home without exercise Slim body

                    In one month, I lost somewhat more than 8 Kgs (~20 Pounds) without working out. After three months I was down 10 Kgs and clearing my psychological hindrance of the 70 Kg without precedent for 10 years. 

                    All it took was the correct inspiration, a little change in eating routine, a body gauging scale, and a profitability hack. 
                    In case you're hoping to shed a couple of kilos, pursue these means in a similar request. Inspiration is by a long shot and expansive the greatest factor, all things considered, Locate a sufficient motivation to get more fit quick without exercise and everything else becomes alright. 
                    You won't require any pills or enhancements. This is a characteristic method to get more fit quick without exercise by seeing how the body functions. 
                    The main cash you should spend is on a body gauging scale in the event that you don't have one. You will really finish up setting aside extra cash over the long haul (more on that underneath). 
                    Getting more fit quick without exercise is a simple issue. All things considered, the arrangement is likewise simple. The starting point is getting this and realizing you can do it as long as you pursue the procedure sketched out in this post. 
                    Try not to attempt different weight control plans or alternate routes in the meantime. Pursue this arrangement to the T and you'll be astonished with the outcomes. 
                    Let’s get started.
                    Disclaimer: I'm not a specialist or well-being expert and this isn't therapeutic counsel. On the off chance that you have any well-being conditions, counsel your doctor. What worked for me may not for you. These are only thoughts for discussion and thought.

                    Find the Strongest Motivation

                    The stronger your motivation to lose weight fast without exercise the easiest it is stick to your diet for the rest of your life.
                    A good motivation might help you lose a few kilos and then fall back into habits. A great motivation will change your perspective on food and health forever.
                    The common reasons are:
                    • Health: live a healthier lifestyle for a longer period of time as well as minimizing the risks of developing potentially life-threatening illnesses
                    • Appearance: get ready for “beach season” or fit better into society
                    • Dating: your confidence is enhanced and other people might find you more attractive
                    • Mood: you feel better physically and mentally, loving yourself more
                    • Fitness: physical activity is easier when you are leaner and you have more energy throughout the day
                    Find your strongest motivation and use it to your advantage.
                    For example:
                    If it’s fitness, set a specific goal that relates to it, like running a 10k. Print the goal and hang it on the wall.
                    If it’s health, put a picture of your kids on the fridge. You want to be around longer to be there for them.
                    Use these simple clues to serve as a constant reminder to your brain of your motivation. Place them in a high-visibility area, such as your phone, fridge or bedroom wall.
                    Your brain will unconsciously do the rest.

                    External vs Internal Motivations

                    External motivations — looking better for the sake of other people liking you— tend to be weaker than internal ones. An exception might be doing it for your kids, but that’s about it. Everything also falls under “insecurity”.
                    Do it for you.
                    And if other people appreciate it, all the better!
                    Other examples of external motivations:
                    • You want to fit into a group that doesn’t accept you as you are now
                    • To look better in beach pictures on Instagram
                    • Join a sports group with your coworkers
                    My motivation?
                    To have more energy throughout the day so I can perform at a higher level.
                    My premise: by eating better and taking care of my body I will increase my focus and in turn become more productive.
                    This motivation is still true today, a clear sign that is was/is a strong motivation.
                    And that’s why I still continue to live by these principles today.

                    How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

                    The easiest way is by changing your diet.
                    I learned about the Slow-Carb diet in Tim Ferriss book “The 4 Hour Body”. My plan was essentially what he outlined with a few modifications here and there.
                    Here are the rules of engagement:
                    1. Skip “white” carbohydrates: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and grains. Avoid eating anything white and you’re safe
                    2. Eat the same few meals over and over again: mix and match but use only a few items (more below)
                    3. Don’t drink calories: a glass or two of dry red wine per night is fine
                    4. No fruit: avocado and tomatoes are exceptions (in moderation) but stay away from everything else
                    5. Take one day/three meals off per week: I choose three meals per week as it allowed me more flexibility
                    As for the actual foods, mix and match from the following list, constructing each meal with one pick from each of the three groups:
                    Proteins: egg whites with 1–2 whole eggs for flavor, chicken breast or thigh, black beans, beef (preferably grass-fed), pork, fish
                    Legumes: lentils, pinto, read or soy beans
                    Vegetables: spinach, mixed veggies (such as broccoli, cauliflower, or any other cruciferous vegetables), sauerkraut, kimchee, asparagus, peas, green beans
                    You can eat as much as you like from that list. But keep it simple by repeating the same meals over and over again. This will save you time — you can cook multiple meals in one go (batching) — and money — you can buy in bulk.
                    For two months I ate chicken breast, beef or fish, and spinach, green beans, and salad as sides. That was it. Simple to buy and prepare. I used just a small portion of the list. Less is more.

                    Stick With the Diet

                    You know the theory and you might even stick with it for a few days. But the hard part is keeping it for long-term. Sometimes your strongest motivation is not enough.
                    What can you do in those situations?
                    Here are two simple hacks:

                    #1 Design Your Environment

                    • Remove unhealthy food by hiding them from view in the back of a high cupboard. Stock your fridge with vegetables, lean meat, and water.
                    • Don’t buy soft drinks or sweets. Out of sight, out of mind. Eating healthier starts at the supermarket.
                    • If you want to automate healthier eating, buy a subscription of fresh, seasonal produce delivered to your door each week
                    • Waiters and what other people ordered can pressure you into eating more than you otherwise might, such as appetizers, drinks or dessert. Make your decision before the waiter comes and order before others.
                    • If you can, an even better option is to look at the restaurant menu online and make your decision in advance. Since portions in restaurants tend to be larger, order one main course and split or ask for a to-go box right away and stash a portion before you start.

                    #2 Design Your Defaults

                    • Remove from the house food that isn’t on your diet or you know is unhealthy
                    • Buy items from the outer edges of the grocery store. Healthy, wholesome foods are on the perimeter. Junk and processed foods tend to live in the aisles
                    • Trick your brain into eating less per meal by using smaller plates and bowls
                    • Plan your meals in advance so you always know what to eat each day. Use Sundays to cook for the entire week and freeze excess food
                    • Do not keep alcohol at home. If you want to drink, you’ll have to go outside and buy it
                    • Have a bottle next to your bed so you get in the habit of drinking water immediately after waking up
                    • Keep another bottle at your desk throughout the day and fill with it cold water to energize your brain
                    • Only have water at home. Ban everything else, especially juice and soda. Drink a glass of water before meals. It will also make you less hungry
                    • Always order water when eating out, instead of soda. Bonus points: it’s cheaper. At restaurants, ask for salad as a side dish instead of french fries, potatoes, or rice.
                    Designing your environment and defaults will be especially helpful when your cravings are high. If there’s no chocolate at home, you probably won’t go out to get.

                    Weigh Yourself Every Day

                    Consistency is the key to develop habits and change behavior.
                    This is where a simple productivity hack by Jerry Seinfeld comes in handy. Seinfeld wanted to become a better comedian. So he decided to write new jokes every day. He was consistent with it. To help him motivate, he used a simple technique.
                    Here’s how it works:
                    1. Find Your One Thing: we want to lose weight, so that’s going to be our thing
                    2. Put Up a Calendar: hang a huge annual calendar at your workspace, office or home. If you prefer digital, use a spreadsheet
                    3. Mark the Days: put a big X across each day when you devote time to working on your one thing. This creates a chain of X’s showing your progress. Focus on growing your chain longer and longer
                    4. Keep the Chain Going: your only job is NOT to break the chain.
                    After a few days, you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt.
                    Using this productivity hack for weight loss, all you need to is weight yourself every single day at the same time. I recommend immediately after waking up.
                    Set up a reminder at the same time of your alarm clock at first and place the body weighing scale next to your bed, so it’s the first thing you see in the morning.
                    And if you forget to do it, remember: don’t skip twice in a row.

                    Set Up Your Tracker

                    Write your weight on your physical or digital calendar and soon enough it will look something like this:

                    lose weight fast without exercise

                    I started out by writing on the Notes app on the phone but quickly moved to a spreadsheet. If you want to copy mine, open the Weight Tracker spreadsheet and select “File -> Make a Copy” in the upper left.
                    The tool doesn’t really matter, as long as you do it every day. But a spreadsheet gives you an automatic third column that computes the variance in weight — how much you lose or gain each day.
                    I find that to be a deciding point to adopt a spreadsheet because it increases the awareness of your weight and its oscillations throughout time.

                    The Power of Awareness

                    Why go to the trouble of tracking your weight every day? Sounds like a silly idea.
                    The truth is, by constantly tracking your weight, two things will happen:
                    • You will become more aware of the progress in your goal by celebrating small wins every day
                    • Because the number is always on your mind, if your weight goes up, you will think twice before eating something out of the diet. Your brain will unconsciously do the work for you and stop you for a second right before you eat that chocolate
                    Let’s use my graphs as an example. This is weight over time:

                    lose weight fast without exercise

                    See what I mean by small wins every day? Look at that nice downward line in the first few weeks.
                    But the second factor is even more powerful. Here’s the variance in weight gain/loss:

                    lose weight fast without exercise

                    The red lines indicate those days were I gained a lot of weight. In the morning I would think: “Why did I gain this much weight?” Then I would think about my choices during the previous 3–4 days and what I did wrong. Perhaps I took too many “cheat meals”, or ate popcorn watching a movie, or too much beer on a night out.
                    Just by doing this simple exercise, I would be aware of my choices and would they were conflicting with my goal. In other words: I wanted to achieve a goal but my actions were misaligned with my words.
                    That would serve as a reminder for a couple of days to “stay inside the lines”. As proof, you can see that immediately after those days I always lost a few kgs, as indicated by the green lines. That’s how powerful awareness can be.

                    Where to Go From Here

                    It doesn’t matter how much you weight, you will stagnate at some point.
                    It will seem impossible to lose more weight without exercise and you will be in the same ballpark for a few weeks.
                    For me, this is around 70 kilos. I’ve been in between 69.5–71.5 kg for at least a couple of months now. My variance is high since it’s quite easy for me to gain or lose weight every day (1kg on any given day is normal).
                    Now that I’ve kept the same weight for a few weeks, I decided to start doing some exercises every day. I’ve been focusing on doing exercises to burn belly fat as that’s where I can see the biggest results.
                    I just do some planks and abs for about 10 minutes per day. I added another row to the spreadsheet and put a big X each day I exercise.
                    When you do stagnate, I recommend you also take it one level up: keep the diet but also integrate a physical activity or daily routine into your daily life to keep losing weight.
                    This is the natural next step from leanness to gaining muscle.

                    01 March 2019

                    5:53 PM

                    Creative lesson plans and activities

                    HEY THERE –

                    Welcome to the place for teachers to share bright ideas, creative lesson plans and activities! Join in or take a look behind the scenes and see who is running this thing.

                    I’m Leslie – the teacher behind I’m excited that you’re a reader and wanted to welcome you. Like you, I find tons of inspiration from what other teachers share onlineand that’s the whole reason Teach Junkie exists!
                    I wanted to welcome you by letting you know who it is behind this community of authors I feature.

                    I’m a kindergarten teacher at heart and I have extreme love for teachers who teach any other grade level. I’ll admit that I love you because I think it’d make me cry if I had to teach your grade – honestly. Since kindergarten is my wheel house, I share those fun stories on
                    Right now, I am a work from home mom taking a break after 10+ years in the classroom to raise my own pack of readers. My husband (who is my high school sweetheart) and I have a preschooler, toddler and a brand new little one.
                    So, when you hear from me it’s most likely me trying to jam as much of my love for teaching into nap time!

                    WHAT I LIKE TO SHARE

                    One of my favorite things to do is collect lots of ideas in one place so that you save time looking for the best stuff online. These collections are some of my most popular posts! I can’t wait to share them with you.
                    Another favorite thing of mine is to showcase the work of other teachers. I think you’re all fantastically creative and wonderful. Really! So, if you browse the website you’ll see posts that feature other teachers too and lead you to their blogs.
                    Oh yes, and free stuff. I focus on sharing free stuff. That’s cool with you, I presume?
                    Teaching isn’t an easy profession. It’s my hope that I can be here to encourage, inspire and save you time collecting ideas so that we can all have a life outside of teaching…
                    Welcome to Teach Junkie – I am excited to have you join us!


                    It occurred to me that perhaps you haven’t had a chance to scope out the over 500 posts that are currently on this blog so allow me to dig through and share the best ones with you!
                    That’s the benefit of getting my emails {wink} – just let me send you the good stuff and you can always hop onto Teach Junkie when you’re looking for something specific. You’ll find a wide range of topics that stick mainly to grade levels K-5.
                    Simply add your email address below and I’ll set you up with my free weekly newsletter.

                    03 September 2018

                    6:26 PM

                    California university MD accused of sex abuse has license suspended

                    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A former University of Southern California (USC) gynecologist, accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of students, has agreed to a suspension of his medical license, officials said on Wednesday.
                    California university MD accused of sex abuse has license suspendedFILE PHOTO: The University of Southern California is pictured in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 22, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake
                    Dr. George Tyndall reached an agreement this week with the Medical Board of California temporarily prohibiting him from practicing medicine until it makes a final decision on the status of his license, board spokeswoman Susan Wolbarst said.
                    Tyndall is retired and has no plans to return to practice, his lawyer told Reuters in an email.
                    “His efforts at this time are directed toward the defense of the pending criminal investigation and civil cases,” Peter Osinoff said.
                    “He stipulated to suspend his license to practice until this matter can be resolved. There were no findings or admissions.”
                    USC has not responded to a request for comment on the suspension.
                    Tyndall resigned from USC last year after an internal inquiry found that some of his examination practices went beyond accepted medical standards and that he had harassed patients. He has not been charged with any crime.
                    The university had suspended Tyndall in 2016 after a complaint from a health worker accusing him of making sexually inappropriate comments to patients.
                    USC president C.L. Max Nikias stepped down in August after an outcry from faculty and students, who said the school was slow to act over complaints against Tyndall.
                    The university has acknowledged failing to properly act on at least eight complaints of inappropriate conduct made against Tyndall between 2000 and 2014.
                    Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, who represents dozens of women who have filed lawsuits in civil court accusing Tyndall of sexual misconduct, said the medical board received several declarations from USC students.
                    California university MD accused of sex abuse has license suspended“The suspension or ultimate revocation of a professional license is, for any professional, like the death penalty for their profession,” Allred told a news conference on Wednesday with two of the students who submitted declarations.
                    A hotline and special website USC set up in May have received scores of reports from concerned patients, the university said.
                    USC has a high percentage of international students.
                    The Chinese government in May voiced “deep concern” over reports many of Tyndall’s alleged victims were from China.
                    Additional reporting by Bill Tarrant; Editing by Steve Orlofsky and Clarence Fernandez
                    8:00 AM

                    Financial Education Benefits Center: Make Cooking Solo on a Budget Satisfy Body and Soul

                     Financial Education Benefits Center: Make Cooking Solo on a Budget Satisfy Body and Soul
                    /PRNewswire/ -- If solo cooking on a budget sounds sort of depressing, there is a definite need for a reboot. Solo cooking can be a great expression of spirit and passion, much like a solo from Yo-Yo Ma's cello, soaring on sonorous wings of shimmering light. And it can be done for much cheaper than assumed with some advanced planning. Solo chefs have an intended audience of one, which they know intimately, and can go all in to focus on delighting that one person. Financial Education Benefits Center (FEBC), a member benefits company specializing in discounts for health and financial wellness, encourages putting creativity and energy into food preparation.
                    "It's important for all of our clients to eat healthy diets," said Jennifer Martinez, Manager at FEBC. "It can be especially challenging for those on a budget, so we encourage our clients to be creative and use our grocery and dining out benefits to maximize both their dollars and health outcomes."
                    Preparation is the top suggestion from nutritionists and food professionals for food soloists with limited resources. Each week, individuals need to take a look at what's ahead and understand just how much food they need. Start by figuring out just how many meals will be made at home and build a menu based on that. A grocery list specifically designed for each week will reduce food waste, which can be a huge drain on grocery spending.
                    Food pros suggest buying from bulk bins where shoppers can buy small amounts for less money, decreasing waste and per unit cost. In addition, they suggest having plenty of frozen fruits and vegetables on hand. Frozen fruits and veggies will never go bad and are highly flexible. Simply toss a handful of blueberries on oatmeal, or some kale with chicken to make a well-rounded and delicious meal.
                    To turn solo cooking into an adventure, experts suggest elevating an ingredient, such as a small amount of better quality parmesan to make an ordinary pasta special or a pesto sauce to stir in with veggies. They also suggest turning up the music, from Cardi B to Yo-Yo Ma, whatever speaks to your heart, as you cook and eat, to turn solo cooking on a budget into a nourishing, body and soul-filling experience.
                     Financial Education Benefits Center: Make Cooking Solo on a Budget Satisfy Body and Soul"We are very much aware that many of our clients are limited in their resources, and we focus our efforts so that they can feel more satisfied and alive at home," said Martinez. "Aside from discounts on groceries and dining out, we offer many other health and wellness benefits that can help our clients live richer, fuller lives."
                    About Financial Education Benefits Center
                    Financial Education Benefits Center is located in San Ramon, California. The membership company has already helped thousands save money and obtain the necessary education required to live a financially healthy life.
                    Financial Education Benefits Center has partnered with several name brand third-party companies to expand the financial and educational products and services available to its members and to provide a variety of wellness services as well.
                    Financial Education Benefits Center Newsroom
                    To learn more about Financial Education Benefits Center, please contact:
                    Financial Education Benefits Center
                    2010 Crow Canyon Place Ste. 100
                    San Ramon, CA 94583
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                    happy-guy-cooking-alone.jpg Happy Guy Cooking Alone Credit: Peter Mayer/bigstock
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